Partnership Between PDAP and COH

PDAP and COH partnership
Children of Hope is a volunteer organization governed by a Board of Directors which is comprised of community leaders, entrepreneurs and young professionals. Board members are committed to delivering Children of Hope mandate and continuing to grow its ability to make a difference through advocacy and raising funds for orphans and destitute children. The main objectives of COH are:
- To raise funds to meet the basic needs of orphans and destitute children to ease their suffering irrespective of race, religion or creed.
- To support local and international charities whose goal is to help orphaned and destitute children within Canada and around the world.
Children of Hope is federally registered with the Government of Canada and Canada Revenue Agency (Registered Charity No: 84038 4879 RR0001) and functions under the Canada corporations Act. The organization maintains a strict policy of accountability and transparency in all its transactions.
Project background:
PDAP has its working area in Mirpur where there is a concentration of slum population. This concentrated poor community is a neglected area with appalling health and malnutrition of children and adolescent girls. At Mirpur section no. 10, 11 & 12 they have also received the status. As per the felt need of the population PDAP took earlier initiative and would like to expand further the education and feeding program for the children and adolescent girls living in the area. The ECCD, learning skills in Bangla Alphabets and promote education for dropouts has been well received by the community and their has been a request from the adjacent communities to support them with such beneficial and nutritional support activities for their children.
PDAPs successful implementation and experience has been lauded. The programme initiated last year has convinced community people of the goodness of the nutritional and education activities supporting children and adolescent girls. With the successful implementation of the initiative PDAP would like to extend and expand to cater 150- 200 number of children within the nearby areas.
As the organization has been searching for funds to initiate Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) activities for neo literate of Bihari population. This will enable the new generation to bring at the same literacy level with other Bangladeshi children. PDAP encourages that ECCD is very important for childs overall growth. During this age group 4-6 years memory and vocabulary skills can be enhanced, when children are eager to learn. As per the GOB goal, Education for All, the Bihari children need to be supported and introduced with Bangla alphabets/language which will help them to be worthy citizen and join regular school later.
COH collaborate to provide education to orphan children in Bangladesh through PDAP
Profile of Kids:

01. The name of the boy is Emon. He is six years old. His Fathers name is Md. Rubel Sardar. His mother name is Shumi Begum, a home worker. He has two sisters and one brother. They are very poor, living in a broken house of Talab camp. Emons father is working in a hotel as a helper. They are not able to eat three times per day and also are not able to go school.

02. The girl name is Nila. She is six years old. Her fathers name is Rafiqul Islam and mothers name is Doly begum. Her father is involved with Shoe business. Her mother is a maid servant. They are one brother and one sister, total family members are five. They live in a small hut of Talab camp. They are very poor family. As Nilas father is earning very limited money, so she doesnot go to school.

03. The name of the girl is Zannat. She is four years old. Her fathers name is late Mr. Barek and mother name is Guria begum .Her father died two years ago. Her mother is doing Karchupi and embroidery work. Her mother is only working member in their family. They are passing very hard life. Zannat lives in a hut of talab camp. Her mother earning not much money, so she was not able to go to school. Zannat has one brother and one sister. They are not able to eat three times a day.

04. The boy name is Rony. He is five years old. His father name is Md Shahid and mother name is Mili begum .His father is working with Banarosee shari factory. His mother is also help his father for weaving preparation. Rony lives in a hut of talab camp. They are very poor. His father and mother are not earning much money, so he doesnot go to school. Rony has two brothers and one sister.

05. The boy name is Shani. He is 6 years old. His fathers name is Md. Shahid, working with Karchupi work, earning very poor money. Shanis mother name is Mili Begum, She is a house wife. Shani has two brother and one sister, living in Talab camp. They are always suffering from malnutrition and ill health. Due to lack of money, they are not able to go school. If they get any learning center inside the Talab camp, they will come to the center for learning.

06. The girl name is Aleya. She is four years old. Her father name is Md. Joni and mother name is Jotsna begum. Her father is working as a shop keeper in a local market. Her mother is a house Wife. Neha lives in a hut of talab camp. They are very poor. Her father is not earning much money, so she doesnot go to school. Aleya has two sisters.

07. The boy name is Sakib. He is five years old. His fathers name is Alauddin and mothers name is Chadbi begum .His father is a working with a meat shop as a Boucher. His mother is a house Wife. Sakib lives in talab camp. They are very poor. Her father is not earning much money, so he doesnot go to school. Sakib has one brother and one sister.

08. The girl name is Naina. She is five years old. Her fathers name is Shadul Alam and mothers name is Farzana.Her father is making Banarosee shari.. Her mother is a house wife. Naina lives in a broken house of talab camp. They are very poor. Her father is not earning much money, so she doesnot go to school. Naina has one brother and one sister. Her mother is not able work out side, because she is sick.

09. The boy name is Rasel. He is 6 years old. His fathers name is Md.Rafiqul Islam and mother name is Nazma begum .His father is involved with Karchupi work. His mother is also help her father. Rasel lives in a hut of talab camp. Rasel is interested to go school, but his father is not earning much money, They do not have capacity to send their children to better school.

10. The name of the boy is Md. Mihir. He is six years old. His Fathers name is Akhter. His mothers name is Parvin Begum, a home worker. Mihirs father is a daily labour He has one sister and one brother. They are very poor, living in a broken house of Talab camp. They are not able to eat three times per day and also are not able to go school.

11. The name of the boy is Md. Tanvir Hossain. He is four years old. His Fathers name is Md. Nayim and mothers name is Shamima Begum, a home worker. He has two brother and one sister. They are very poor, living in a broken house of Talab camp. They are not able to eat three times per day and also are not able to go school. His father is doing Karchupi work. His mother sometimes help his father for karchupi work, when they get many orders.

12. The boy name is Nayon. He is six years old. His fathers name is Md. Roni and mothers name is Shima Begum. His father is a Van driver and mother is involved karchupi work. Nayon has one brother. He is younger than Nayon. They are four family members. They are very poor family, live in a Talab camp. As Nayon′s father is not earning sufficient money to run the family properly, That is why Nayon and his brother canot go to school.

13. The girl name is Tania. She is 6 years old. Her fathers name is Md. Khorshed and mothers name is Sahana. Tania has two brothers and one sister. Her father is a van driver. Their financial condition is very deserted, because Tanias father leave them alone often. Tanias mother is interested to send Tania for learning at school. But as her father is not earning sufficient money, Tania or her brothers are not able to go school. Her mother and they all doing Karchupi work at home for earning money.

14. The boy name is Ramzan. He is 6 years old . His fathers name is Md. Riaz and mothers name is Sahida Begum. His father is involved with Banarashi shari making and her mother is a house wife. He has one brother and three sisters. They are very poor family. He is not able to take food three times a day. Due to lack of money, they do not go to school.

15. The girl name is Muskan (1). She is 5 years old . Her father name is Md. Azgar Ali and mother name is Aysha Begum. Her father has been working with a hotel and her mother is a house wife. She has two brothers and one sister. Due to lack of money, they are not able to get food three times a day. Her mother always suffering from many diseases. Muskan is interested to go school, if she gets any free education centre.

16. The girl name is Sanjida. She is 6 years old . Her father name is Md.Shahinur and mother name is Sima Begum. Her father is a day labour and her mother is a karchupi worker. She has only one sister. Her father does not want to send them school, but her mother is interested. When she has heard that PDAP is going to start free education centre, then she wants to send Sanjda to the education centre.

17. The girl name is Muskan (2). She is four years old . Her father name is Md. Alauddin and mother name is Gulshan Begum. Her father is working with a Banarashi shari factory and her mother is karchupi worker. She has two sisters. As there is no nearer school for the children, her father wan not interested to send his daughters to school. But now he is interested to send Muskan to the education centre of PDAP.

18. The girl name is Sohani Begum. She is 5 years old. Her fathers name is Md. Sharfaraz and mothers name is Rasida Begum. Her father is involved with embroidery work and his mother is a house wife. They are very poor family .They have been living in a small hut of Talab camp. Sohani has one brother and one sister, but due to lack of money, Sohanis parents do not send them to school. As PDAPs education centre is near to their house, now Sohani is interested to go the education centre.

19. The boy name is Imran. He is four years old . His father is Md. Imamun and mother is Hashu Begum. His mother works as a maid servant to other house . She is working very hard to run her family. Imrans father is selling Fish in the fish market. Imran has three brothers and three sisters. As his parents are not earning sufficient money, they have to suffer a lot for eating food three times a day. As Imran is interested to go school, he has convinced his father to go PDAPs education centre.

20. The boy name is Hasan (1). He is 6 years old . His father is Md. Afser and mother name is Moymun Begum. His mother is just house wife, she always feels sick. Hasan has three brothers and one sister. His father is working in a private company as a peon. They are six family members. Due to lack of money he was not able to go school. But now he is interested to go PDAP′s education centre.

21. The name of the girl is Rosmi. She is 5 years old. Her father name is Md. Masum and mother name is Guria Begum. His father is day labour and her mother is working with other house. They are very poor family .They have been living in a small hut of Talab camp. Rosmi has one brother and one sister, but due to lack of money, they are not able to go school. But now Rosmi is interested to go PDAP′s education centre, because it is free.

22. The name of the boy is Ishan. He is 5 years old. His Father′s name is Md. Shahjada and mother′s name is Zeba Akhtet. Both of them are involved with karchupi work at home. He has two brother. They are very poor, living in a broken house of Talab camp. They are not able to eat three times per day and also are not able to go school. They all help his father for karchupi work, when they get many order.

23. The name of the girl is Aysha (1) . She is 6 years old. Her Father′s name is Md. Zamil and mother′s name is Reshmi, a home worker. She has two sisters and one brother. They are running their life very unhygienic and living in a broken house of Talab camp. They are not able to eat three times per day and also are not able to go school. Her father has a small hotel business.

24. The girl name is Afia. She is four years old. Her father′s name is Shamsher Ali and mother′s name is Shahin Begum. Afia has one brother and two sisters. Her father is working with karchupi business. Their financial condition is very deserted, because Afia′s father is not earning much money for survive. Her mother also help Afia′s father. Afia′s mother is interested to Afia at PDAP′s school for learning.

25. The name of the boy is Md. Adil. He is 6 years old. His Father′s name is late Md. Omor. He died two years ago. His mother′s name is Shima Begum. Now his mother is only earning person. Adil has one brother and one sister. They are very poor, living in a broken house of Talab camp. They are not able to eat three times a day and also are not able to go school. As PDAP has started a free education centre, Adil is interested to go school.

26. The name of the girl is Tahsina. She is 5 years old. Her Father′s name is Md. Shahid. And mother′s name is Minu Begum, a home worker. She has four bothers, one sister. They are very poor, living in a broken house of Talab camp. They are not able to eat three times per day and also are not able to go school. Her father is a small business man, selling cap and other items.

27. A girl name Moyna. She is 6 years old. She is living in Talab camp. Her father′s name is Akbar Ali. He is working as a daily labour. mother′s name of Moyna is Nasima Begum, working as home worker. Moyna has two sisters. Due to lack of money, Moyna was not able to go school. Now she is learning at PDAP′s school.

28. The girl name is Tanisa. She is five years old. Her father′s name is Md. Taher and mother′s name is Guria. Tanisa has two brothers and two sisters. Her father has a Hotel business. Their financial condition is very deserted, because Tanisa′s father leave them alone often. Tanisa′s mother is interested to send Tanisa for learning at school. But as her father is not earning sufficient money, Tanisa or her brothers are not able to go school. They all doing Karchupi work at home for earning money.

29. The boy name is Fahim. He is five years old. His father′s name is Zakir Hossain, working with a Factory, earning very poor money. Musa′s mother name is Farzana Begum, She is a house wife. Fahim has one brother and one sister, living in Talab camp. They are always suffering from malnutrition and ill health. Due to lack of money, they are not able to go school. If they get any learning center inside the Talab camp, they will come to the center for learning.

30. The girl name is Neha (3). She is five years old. Her father name is Tarek and mother name is Parvin begum .Her father is a working for Banarosee shari making. Her mother is a house Wife. Neha lives in a hut of talab camp. They are very poor. Her father is not earning much money, so she doesn′t go to school. Neha has three sisters. |

31. The girl name is Putul. She is six years old. Her father name is Md. Arman and mother name is Nagma begum. Her father is working as a Helper of Tampoo and mother is working karcupi (karchupi means one kind of Handicraft). Putul has one brother and one sister. They are total four family members. They are very poor family and lived in a hut of talab camp She doesn′t go to school due to lack of money.

32. The girl name is Mukta. Her age is Five years. Her father name is Razzak and mother name is Asma begum. His father and mother both are involved with Sharee business. They are one brother and one sister, total family members are 4. They live in a small hut of Talab camp. They are very poor family. As Mukta′s father is earning very limited money, so she doesn′t go to school.

33. The boy name is Tasin. He is five years old. His father name is Rased and mother name is Luky Begum. His father is a Driver and mother is a house wife. Tasin has one brother. He is younger than Tasin. They are four family members. They are very poor family, live in a Talab camp. As Tasin′s father is not earning sufficient money to run the family properly, That is why Tasin and his brother can′t go to school.

34. The girl name is Khusbu (1). She is seven years old. Her father name is Anwar and mother name is Halima. Her mother is a house wife and father is working as a peon. Khusbu has two sisters. All are living in Talab camp and running very hard life. They are five family members. Due to lack of money they are not able to go school.

35. The boy name is Musa. He is six years old. His father name is Md. Murad and his mother name is Moni. His mother is a house wife and father is Barber, working in a Saloon. He has two brothers. They are five members in the family, live in Talab camp. As they are not

36. The girl name is Khusbu (2). She is seven years old. Her father name is Zabed and mother name is Shima Begum. Her father is Hawker and mother is involved with Karcupi (karcupi means one kind of Handicraft) . Neha has one brother and one sister. They are four family members. They live in a hut of Talab camp . She can′t go to school due to lack of money.

37. The girl name is Sheetol . She is seven years old. Her father name is Chan Mian and mother name is Sabina Bgum. They are very poor family. Sheetol has two sisters. Her father works in a small shop. His mother is a house wife. They are not able eat three times, so her sisters are not able to go school.

38. The boy name is Hasan. He is Six years old. His father name is Md. Babu and mother name is Amena Begum. They are one brother and one sister. His father is a Rikshaw puller and his mother is a Karchupi worker. They are very poor family and suffering from malnutrition. His father has no capacity to send them school. But Hasan is very much interested to take education.

39. The boy name is Hossain. He is five years old . His father name is Md. Azgar and mother name is Mili Begum. His father is working with a Saloon and her mother is a house wife. He has two brothers and one sister. They are very poor family. He is interested to go to school and now he is learning at PDAP′s education centre.

40. The girl name is Nowsin. He is 6 years old. His father name is Md. Parvez and mother name is Rabeya. Her father has a small Tailoring busines. Nowsin has two sisters. They are five family members. They are very poor. Nowsin is interested to go PDAP′s school as his father has no capacity to meet up their tuition fees.

41. The boy name is Rabbi. He is five years old . His father is Md. Taher and mother name is Guria Banu. His mother works as a house . She is working very hard to run her family. Her husband is a small business man. He is selling Fruits. Samat has one brother. They are four family members.

42. The girl name is Lamia-2. She is six years old. Her father name is Md.Amin. her mother is Sufia begum. Her father is a Banarosee sharee worker. They are three brothers and one sister. They have been living in a small hut of talab camp. They are very poor family. It is very difficult for Lamia′s father to run his family with proper food and education. Lamia′s elder sisters have to look after the family, because her mother is paralyzed

43. The girl name is Sumaiya. She is six years old. Her father name is Jamil. her mother name is Nargis. Her father is working with Shoe shop. They are one brother and one sister. They have been living in a small hut of Talab camp. They are very poor family. Due to lack of money, Sumaiya doesn′t go to school.

44. The girl name is Saira. She is six years old. Her father′s name is Md. Sirajul and mother name is Rezwana. Her father is a day labour and mother is involved with Kercupi work. they are very poor family. Saira has one sister. They live in a small room in Talab camp. She doesn′t go to school due to lack of money. But she is interested to go PDAP′s school.

45. The boy name is Sunil. He is six years old. His father name is Md. Sahidul Islam and mother name is Farzana. His father is a Banarosee Sharee worker and mother is involved with Kerchupi work. they are very poor family. Sunil has has two Brothers and one sister, They are six family members. They live in a small room in Talab camp. He doesn′t go to school due to lack of money. But now he is going to PDAP′s school.

46. The girl name is Jharna. She is six years old. Her father′s name is Md. Zakir and mother′s name is Farzana. Her father is involved with embroidery work and his mother is a house wife. They are very poor family .They have been living in a small hut of Talab camp. Jharna has one brother and one sister, but due to lack of money, they are not able to go school.

47. The girl name is Neha (1) She is six years old. Her father name is Md. Munna and mother name is Dulari. Her father is involved with embroidery business and his mother is a house wife. They are very poor family .They have been living in a small hut of Talab camp. Neha has two sisters. She had no scope to go school. But now is going to PDAP′s education centre.

48. The girl name is Aleya. She is four years old. Her father′s name is Md. Sirazul Islam and mother′s name is Rezwana. Her father is a Banarosee Sharee worker and mother is involved with Karchupi work. they are very poor family. Aleya has five sisters, They are eight family members. They live in a small room in Talab camp. She doesn′t go to school due to lack of money.

49. The girl name is Afsara. She is Four years old. Her father name is Md. Anwar and mother name is Halima. His father is involved with Benarashee Saree and her mother is Karchupi worker. They are very poor family .They have been living in a small hut of Talab camp. Afsara has two sisters, but due to lack of money, they are are not able to go school. But now she is going to PDAP′s education centre.

50. The girl name is Neha (2). She is seven years old. Her father name is Md. Nayem and mother name is Samima. Her father is a paint worker and her mother is a house wife. They are very poor family Neha has two brothers and one sister. They have been living in a small hut of Talab camp. Neha and her brother are not able to go school. But as PDAP′s Education centre is free, so she is going to that school.
Plot # 8 (1st Floor),
Avenue # 4, Block # C,
Sector # 6, Mirpur,
Tel:+88 02 48032559
Web: www.pdapbd.org